695 1 1. Snowflake provides the following object parameters: Parameter. I believe Default Snowflake System Timezone is configured to use Pacific Time Zone. ’ select * from events1. Eric G Eric G. Follow. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current timestamp for the system. Shows "undefined" within the procedure: Inside the procedure, if the same passed parameter with Null is used then it will show. Syntax. Snowflake doesn't have a built-in Julian date converter, nor do I think the values you've provided are actually Julian dates, as the format doesn't typically have a 4-digit year, I don't think. Does not convert from timestamps. User-275508788 posted I am trying to insert the current date with GetDate in a stored procedure using SQL Server 2005 and I can't figure out the context. I need the time element for the insert, this could be user education/error;Extract the field name from the vartab table: SELECT GET_PATH(v, 'attr [0]. Snowflake supports a single DATE data type for storing dates (with no time elements). snowflake-cloud-data-platform; Share. INSERT INTO TABLE (id, value, asOfDate, LastUpdated) -- AsOfDate is a variable. I am trying to create a table in Snowflake with 15 mins interval. This is the date, time, or timestamp to which you want to add. I have a date field called accesioned_date=2022-03-01. Improve this question. Create table Table1 ( COL1 NUMBER (38,0), COL2 STRING, MODIFIED_DT STRING DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE (), IS_USER_MODIFIED BOOLEAN DEFAULT 'FALSE' ) Current Behavior: During data load, I see that when running inserts, my column 'MODIFIED_DT' is getting inserted with default values. FF') AS a; Solution. SELECT yourfields from yourTable WHERE yourfieldWithDate > dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()) If you are on the 2008 increased accuracy date types, then use the new sysdatetime() function instead, equally if using. The default setting is YYYY-MM-DD. or. 1. 1. e. It is becoming one of the top data services in the world because of its capabilities and ease of use. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name TIMESTAMP_TZ (9); Since the newly create column will be null, you could update it: UPDATE table_name SET column_name = cast (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP () as. I would recommend that you replace it with the snowflake syntax instead of using your own UDF to do this as it requires you to also share your UDF. Selecting a date range that dynamically excludes the current month in SQL. Share. 2 Answers. You could use a padding trick with RIGHT here: SELECT RIGHT ('0' + CAST (DATEPART (month, prod_date) AS nvarvhar (10)), 2) FROM myTbl; The idea is to prepend a 0 to every month number string, and then retain only the right two digits, which would be either a two digit month already, or a single digit with a zero in front of it. We might have: 2021-11-04T00:00:00. Shruti Shruti. I need to derive the calculation based on transaction date with exchange_date of the month if there is no match found then get next recent previous date less than transaction date. For the 3 argument version. Truncates a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP to the specified precision. start_date, s. Extracting the quarter date part from a timestamp returns the. Viewed 129 times 1 I am running this query in Snowflake SQL. If the input data type is DATE, and the date_or_time_part is hours or. Meaning your dataset in that attribute. when null use 42, which can be done implemented as read operation. By submitting this form, I understand Snowflake will process my personal information in accordance with their. SQL Format Models. Snowflake date Dynamic variable. Know everything you need about Snowflake DATEDIFF. select ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE,-1) as result; The main difference between add_months and dateadd is that add_months takes less parameters and will return the last day of the month for the resultant month if the input date is also the last day of the month, I have to query 10 days data from snowflake database. 1. If that doesn't work, you may want to try. As such, they can be specified as arguments in the TO_CHAR , TO_VARCHAR and TO_DECIMAL , TO_NUMBER , TO_NUMERIC conversion functions. You can not use ALTER TABLE to change the default for a column unless it's a sequence or add a column default. We use the following code to get data and time immediately: select current timestamp; select systimestamp (); select getdate (); select localtimestamp (); Find the rows between two timestamps or data. This optional argument indicates the precision with which to report the time. If you change this line to use it as a table function, it seems to do what you want: select * from cte, table (flatten (cte. Snowflake - Setting Date Time format in result of Query. Using SQL to Initialize Variables in a Session. The REGEXP_REPLACE function is one of the easiest functions get required value. let me know if you need more details. dates)) Share. Mar 2, 2022 at 19:24. 000'::Timestamp_TZ, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss') 2021-07-19 02:45:31. 601) Featured on Meta Moderation strike: Results of negotiations. o_totalprice) Total, rank () over (partition by n. Current best Snowflake query. Usage Notes. SQL DateFromParts. The following are the three important. Workaround 1 ) alter user <username> set timezone='UTC'; select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (); Workaround 2) alter session set timezone=‘UTC’; select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ();A number of seconds (if scale = 0 or is absent) or fractions of a second (e. SELECT DATEADD(Minute,DATEDIFF(Minute, @StartTime, @EndTime),0) AS ElapsedTime; It gives the elapsed time in minutes. SQL DatePart. e. GETDATE() The parentheses are required. . but in my case, while passing string paramter( which is date actually), user has 3 different formats (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYYMMDD, MM/DDYYYY) MS SQL can convert all the three formats into date correctly, but failes to do that. Ft SET cname2 = cname; ALTER TABLE dbo. AskMeAboutData (Snowflake) 4 years ago I agree with above comment that you cannot use function within COPY command directly, but if you wrap this command in stored procedure, you will be able to create a variable to get current date and then create another variable to concatenate first part of the copy command with date variable. The data type of the returned value is VARCHAR. I'm trying to extract the week number of the month for any given date. It's being called in the SQL as a scalar function rather than a table function, and that's why Snowflake is reporting it can't find the function. What is the best way to set multiple variables in snowflake from a table. As long as everyone knows that it only works on DateTime. date_or_time_expr must evaluate to a date, time, or timestamp. For example, TRUNC (TO_DATE ('2013-08-05'), 'QUARTER') returns the first date in the third quarter of the year 2013, which is July 1, 2013. I think you want to use TO_DATE here along with LEFT: SELECT TO_DATE (LEFT (timestamp, 10), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS modified_ts FROM yourTable; Note that if you don't require a bona fide date, but rather just a date string, then LEFT (timestamp, 10) alone should suffice. LAST_DAY function Usage. A date to be converted into a timestamp. By default, half-points are rounded away from zero for decimals. MSSQL on the other hand does an implicit cast of '0' to DATE '1900-01-01' and returns the result in the requested date part. getCurrentDate (),-1,"DD")) Be sure that in your output component, a date model is defined for this field. ). g. How to convert yyyymm to yyyy-mm-dd in sql? 1. g. CURRENT_DATE function Examples. Along with Preeti Shrimal, Adwate Kumar. Hi everyone, I need to add one new column in a table where I need to put current date,. A really good article as a starting point. Snowflake date_trunc to remove time from date. ) SNOWFLAKE SQL. Window functions that calculate rank (e. Solution. Extract date from a text string using Snowflake REGEXP_REPLACE Function The REGEXP_REPLACE function is one of the easiest functions to get the required value when manipulating strings data. The Overflow Blog Medical research made understandable with AI (ep. DEFAULT_DDL_COLLATION. DATE_FROM_PARTS is typically used to handle values in “normal” ranges (e. extract a certain part from a timestamp, in the example below. SELECT EXTRACT (MONTH FROM nameofthecolum) FROM tablename. Snowflake SQL stored procedure and save value from query with dynamic SQL. Share. SELECT '20200710', TO_DATE('20200710'); is returning the following output. to_timestamp. getDate() + days); return result; } var dest_date = addDaysInJs(source_date, 1); // Insert the incremented date using its ISO representation. (Note I changed the seconds to 31 as there isn't 91 seconds in a minute and also changed your double dash between month and day to a. This allows, for example, choosing the N-th day in a year, which can be. FF TZH:TZM'); Can you. 105 1 1. It provides analytics and big data capabilities using multiple languages and. Return most recent non-null value prior to date minus 1 year -- Snowflake. The output is correct till the TO_VARCHAR() is used i. Failed: Code: 100183 State: P0000 Message: Can't parse 'Fri Jun 11 2021 12:47:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)' as timestamp with format 'DY MON DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS TZD' Stack Trace: At Snowflake. 1. I have used the code contained below to create date and time scaffolds for several clients for various reasons, such as populating records between the “CreateDate” and “CloseDate” of a data point. The Snowpark library provides an intuitive library for querying and processing data at scale in Snowflake. example: select DATEADD(Day ,-1, current_date) as YDayRedirecting to - docs. – skadya. – Emin Mesic. 31 2 2 bronze badges. 0. I can create a table with defaults with current_user and current_timestamp() but cannot alter table to add the columns. use DATEADD function to add or minus on data data. Today. files have names that begin with a common string) that limits access to a set. I am trying to create dynamic SQL so that it loops between start_date to end_date to copy into from different s3 folders based on datesCURRENT_DATE function in Snowflake - Syntax and Examples. Examples Show the current date, time, and timestamp: SELECT CURRENT_DATE(), CURRENT_TIME(), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(); Output: Snowflake provides a special set of week-related date functions (and equivalent data parts) whose behavior is consistent with the ISO week semantics: DAYOFWEEKISO , WEEKISO , YEAROFWEEKISO. Data is shown as nulls in the table. Follow asked Dec 9, 2022 at 13:21. It doesn’t download the data from the table; it downloads the data from the stage, so first of all, you need to unload the data from the. You can also refer. DATE accepts dates in the most common forms ( YYYY-MM-DD , DD-MON. data that has been changed or deleted) at any point within a defined period. 2. The CONVERT function offers various methods for obtaining pre-formatted dates. Time Part Extracted from Time / Timestamp. Get the date and time right now (where Snowflake is running): select current_timestamp ; select getdate(); select systimestamp(); select localtimestamp ; Find rows between two dates or timestamps: use DATEADD function to add or minus on data data. In Snowflake I'm attempting to run a while loop where there is a start date, and the code will loop until it equals today's date. I'm having trouble getting it to run in snowflake. using WEEKOFYEAR or WEEKISO should be enough. milliseconds or nanoseconds) since the start of the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). For example, a value of 3 says to use 3 digits after the decimal point (i. Jul 20, 2021 at 21:54. You can subtract days from a date in Snowflake using the DATEADD function. For more information, see Error-handling Conversion Functions. In snowflake they have date time stamp columns with DataType TIMESTAMP_NTZ (9) Am trying to create a view that returns rows where snowflake TIMESTAMP_NTZ (9) column = last day of the previous month for a monthly report. Extracting the quarter date part from a timestamp returns the. The feature to add a default value for a column using an alter statement is not supported in Snowflake as documented here. Snowflake Temporary Tables, in addition to Permanent Tables, which is the default table type, are especially useful for storing data that does not need to be kept for long periods of time (i. In Javascript store-procedures nulls are handled in a special way, SQL Nulls automatically get converted into 'UNDEFINED' inside the store procedure. E. I'm sure it's something ridiculous, but if someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. But the result is still a timestamp, thus the output format. For example, if you want to add 2 days to August 1, 2018, then this will be '2018-08-01'::DATE. This should be an integer. Redirecting. 5. Get the current date as a DATE value: SELECT current_date(); Get the current date and time as a TIMESTAMP value: SELECT current_timestamp();TO_DATE , DATE. Also in that same block of code, you alias product_1 to p1 , but in the CASE use the table name, strictly speaking once you have an alias you should only use that, and it made the case code simpler to read, almost the. Handling date & timestamp format while loading data into snowflake needs special consideration and many of us are not fully aware of it, specially with CSV data file loading. That means you could get a series of disparate dates instead of the desired result. These functions are alternatives to using the DATE_PART (or. Improve this answer. I've attempted variations of the following in my where clause : DATEADD (YEAR,-12,O. A constraint can be created at table creation using CREATE TABLE, or added to a table later using ALTER TABLE: Single-column constraints can be created inline as part of the column definition. Pramit is a Technical Content Lead at Chaos Genius. Extracts the three-letter month name from the specified date or timestamp. e. Syntactically, IN is treated as an operator rather than a function. 850This function is similar to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, except that: It returns the current timestamp in the UTC time zone, whereas CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns the timestamp in the local timezone. To get the minute (0-59) in Snowflake using the date_part function, you can use the following code expression: Assume current date time is 15 December 2021 2 AM. setDate(result. I am attempting to convert a date (formatted as yyyy-mm-dd) to a year-month format (ex: 2021-07) while keeping the date datatype. Thank youPramit Marattha. But the result is still a timestamp, thus the output format. o_totalprice). The function supports units of years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds. Aliases: LOCALTIMESTAMP , GETDATE , SYSTIMESTAMP Syntax CURRENT_TIMESTAMP( [ <fract_sec_precision> ] ) CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Arguments fract_sec_precision This optional argument indicates the precision with which to report the time. How to get difference betwen these below two dates in snowflake. The parameter that determines how any/all date values are rendered (as text) in a database client is "DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT". 1. I hope this clarifies things. 0. You can use the below workaround if you want the data in UTC timezone. Here is my query: select * from CHANNEL_C. 2. 2018-08-12 12:20:00. ie, getdate () is 10/15/18. This code will format it how you want it. Redirecting to - Snowflake Inc. 0. Ajay Sant Ajay Sant. 1. Q&A for work. Also when we have 99 in the year column then while. To do that, you can use a common table expression: with cte_sessions as ( select us. 1. Returns the current date of the system. Azure Synapse is an enterprise-level analytics service. I couldn't find the. Please consider adding this functionality. g. A number of seconds (if scale = 0 or is absent) or fractions of a second (e. So don’t waste time let’s start step by step guide to understand what is the TO_DATE () expression within Snowflake. dt FROM ta JOIN tb ON tb. I'm trying to calculate an age value for our users based on their birthday, which one would expect to be a simple enough operation. Snowflake get most recent previous date. 18. Coming from SQL Server, this could be done using the FORMAT function like this: SELECT FORMAT (date_column, 'yyyy-MM') I am wondering how this could be achieved in SNOWFLAKE. To_DATE with the right pattern should work. It is always 01-01. Time Travel snowflake: The Ultimate Guide to Understand, Use & Get Started 101. This should work if the column is of type date. 2. We can further improvise it as per the need - create table FY (Month int, FiscalQuarter int, FQStart date, FQEnd date);3 Answers. Date serial numbers are numeric values representing the "number of days since 01-JAN-1900", and are often used in spreadsheet systems to show users dates (but store the data as a number). Where: namespace is the database and/or schema in which the named internal stage or table resides. In a query, it is specified in the FROM clause immediately after the table name and it determines the point in the past from which historical data is requested for the object: The AT keyword specifies that the request is inclusive of any changes made by a statement or transaction with. We specified value 0 in the DateADD SQL function. Modified 7 months ago. DATEDIFF supports years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. date_or_time_expr (Required) must be a date or timestamp expression. One interesting thing to note however, is that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is converted to GETDATE () when creating the object within SSMS. date_or_time_expr must evaluate to a date, time, or timestamp. dateadd (week, @week_number, @end_weekday): adds the given number of weeks and the given number of days into. To get minutes, use MI. ). Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to default 1 How about using CURRENT_DATE?. I find it hard to understand the Snowflake documentation for JavaScript datatypes, and maybe the snowflake. SELECT TO_VARCHAR(GET_DATE, 'DD-MON-YY') returns the desired. Improve this answer. My table has value as below: year :20 day:10 month :02 I need to dob value as 2020-10-02. to_timestamp. ALTER TABLE tab1 ADD coll datetime DEFAULT GETDATE() NOT NULL error: ALTER TABLE 'tab1' failed. JDBC Driver uses the time zone of the JVM or the time zone of the session (specified by the TIMEZONE parameter) for the getDate(),. e. For details, see Supported Date and Time Parts. Dec 11, 2020 at 13:30 "My" definition is cut-and-paste from ISO/IEC 9075-2:2016(E), i. addDate (TalendDate. Any input streams associated withI need the past 90 days to start from the previous day(4/26/2016) from the getdate() value (4/27/2016) Current date = 4/27/2016 Previous Date = 4/26/2016 the 90 days should start from Previous Date(4/26/2016). The query (as asked by the OP) given above works, but Snowflake appears to malfunction when you pass a column with a named/dynamic value expression instead of CURRENT_DATE (a static expression). SQL. Expected out put is in the below format: YYYY-WW (week number of the year) For example:2022-32. your date time columns will return UTC time stamps and you won't be able to match time. 100, 101 etc) means year will come in yyyy format. Object Type. To sum up, depending on requirements: DEFAULT DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' or if it has to be a current date DEFAULT. Call of the procedure with null values: when we pass nulls, as soon as it comes inside the procedure they get transformed by 'undefined'. I did not get much help from Snowflake documentation about how I can take give column names using snowflake functions. I would recommend that you replace it with the snowflake syntax instead of using your own UDF to do this as it requires you to also share your UDF. 1 Answer. 2 Answers. – skadya Something like this would work: ALTER SESSION SET WEEK_START = 6;; SELECT LAST_DAY (current_date, 'week');; The first statement is necessary to adjust the beginning of the week to Saturday, so that the end of the week is a Friday. DATEADD (): Add or subtract from a date column in Snowflake. If you are trying to use add_months rather than dateadd than the query should be . The function supports units of years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds. Still, it is possible to influence the format the date would be checked against. select * from CHANNEL_C. select ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE,-1) as result; The main difference between add_months and dateadd is that add_months takes less parameters and will return the last day of the month for the resultant month if the input date is also the last day of the month,MONTHNAME¶. Let’s understand the syntax first: GENERATOR(ROWCOUNT => <count> [, TIMELIMIT => <sec>]) If only the Rowcount parameter is used, the function generates <count> number of records. @mikeyaworski ,. Assuming the "created_date" is stored as a timestamp or datetime (synonyms), then you just need to remove the single quotes from around the created_date column name and change "to_char" to use the "monthname" function: select date_part (year, created_date) as year, date_part (month, created_date) as month, monthname. 1. That said, you can use the following to determine if the date falls on a weekend: SELECT DATENAME (dw,GETDATE ()) -- Friday SELECT DATEPART (dw,GETDATE ()) -- 6. out-of-line, clause that specifies the columns in the constraint. For example, DATEDIFF(milliseconds, '00:00:00',. To perform subtraction, simply pass a negative value for the value parameter. date at time 00:00:00. Date and Time Formats in Conversion Functions¶. Usage Notes¶. Extracts the three-letter month name from the specified date or timestamp. The returned value contains four fields: < major_version >. month) used to calculate the difference determines which parts of the DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP field are used to determine the result and thus determines the precision of the result. I want the end result to be a date. When date_part is week (or any. @snowflakestar. Hour of the specified day. Chris_Ben Chris_Ben. SP_DATA_COLUMN_VALUES(table_name varchar, column_name varchar, date_column varchar) RETURNS TABLE() LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ -- Finds most. If you haven't started writing an app with snowflake, it reads like a lot of a smoke. Equivalent Redshift query. 0 would be the start of next month, 11/1/2018. 'undefined'. second uses the hour, minute, and second, but not the fractional seconds. How to get the correct date format. 99" feeling to it so you might have to use cludgy workarounds (see below 😀) That being said, date and time objects are tricky everywhere, not just in Snowflake Stored Procedures. Following it, based on the Date Column let us derive various Date attributes related to date such as day of the week, day of the. In SQL Server I can do this using recursive SQL but looks like that functionality is not available in Snowflake. date_expr. You may want to try PostgreSQL and see if it meets your needs first. I have a table with ID, Date, Value. When date_or_time_part is week (or any of its variations), the output is controlled by the. Featured on Meta Incident update and uptime reporting. g. For example, -0. It requires parentheses (. Check Your Caching. Another option is adding new column, copying data and renaming column: ALTER TABLE dbo. But if you are casting to date there is no need to truncate as they are the same value, thus '2019. 105 1 1 silver badge 11 11 bronze badges. g. Some good functions: SELECT CURRENT_DATE(); SELECT CURRENT_TIME(); SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();Add a comment. GETDATE function equivalent in Snowflake SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() --2021-02-02 21:25:20. I don't think so, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and GETDATE() return the same result in the SQL Server. For a timestamp expression, the date from the. ; TIME: You can use time type to store hour, minute, second, fraction with (includes 6 decimal positions). you can extract month number like that. It may be positive or negative. whole years completed. Snowflake official documentation. If that's the case and they'll always be in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd', you can just take the first 8 characters and add. throwing below while inserting timestamp values. Sep 8. To_DATE with the right pattern should work. Minute of the specified hour. Learn more about TeamsI am trying to convert the date I have got using the GETDATE() function into YY-MON-DD format such as 04 Nov 2022. I am working with Snowflake into getting data from various data sources where date and date-time formats are not the same even within some systems. MONTHNAME¶. For DATE and TIMESTAMP data,. connector. ). For the first week of the year, we do not need to make a complex calculation. FF') AS a;Redirecting to - docs. Using a time zone name. g. etc etc. E. Values can be negative, for example, -12 days. SELECT DATEDIFF (DAY, DATEADD (day, -1, @CreatedDate), GETDATE ()) Following the answer from Philip Rego, you can use SELECT GETDATE () - 1 to subtract days from a date. string_expr or timestamp_expr or variant_expr or integer. rachel. Snowflake SQL API date format. so the left side is the same for both CONVERT (date, CONVERT (VARCHAR (8), 19000000+datecolumn)) so the outer most layer is a convertion to date which is snow falk can also be done via ::date and is side of that there is a conversion of a number to a 8 character string CONVERT (VARCHAR (8), 19000000+datecolumn) which is in a format. TO_DATE (O. Date/Time Data Handling In Snowflake. Code is as follows: @CreatedByDate smalldatetime ) AS -- INSERT the new Record INSERT INTO Suppliers (SupplierName, SupplierAddress. Syntax DATEADD( <date_or_time_part>, <value>, <date_or_time_expr> ) Arguments date_or_time_part This indicates the units of time that you want to add. How Snowflake Determines the Input and Output Formats to Use. Select current_date function usage examples. Way around this is to recreate the table with a new name and the defaulted columns, insert data into the new table and then use the alter table swap functionality to switch over. When date_part is week (or any of its variations), the output is controlled by the WEEK_START session parameter. To get MM/DD/YYYY use SELECT CONVERT (varchar, getdate (), 1) For detailed explaination try this. *, min (date) over (partition by cardid) as min_date from t ) t where legit = 0 and date < min_date + interval '10 day. any help. Supported Date and Time Parts. To get the customers that have made at least one purchase in the last 30 days you can do this: select distinct customer_id from sample_table where item_date_purchased > dateadd (day, -30, current_date ()); the dateadd function shown above returns a date 30 days prior to the current date. Get first and last day of previous month in Snowflake: select last_day(current_date – interval ‘2 month’) + interval ‘1 day’ as first_day; I have a situation where using Snowflake, I need to construct a date from these parts (year, weekOfYear, dayOfWeek). How do you get the last entry for each month in SQL? 0. Supported Date and Time Parts. This approach works equally well for both tables and views. However, this answer is definitely the "easiest" way to go. Max of date when date is in group by. @rachel. 000+06:00. Introduction. r/snowflake. Adds the system. RequestNumber, tb. Assuming the "created_date" is stored as a timestamp or datetime (synonyms), then you just need to remove the single quotes from around the created_date column name and change "to_char" to use the "monthname" function: select date_part (year, created_date) as year, date_part (month, created_date) as month, monthname. Yet another aspect is the date and. If either the input_expr or the scale_expr is NULL, the result is NULL. select max (date), month (case when date) from my_table where dayofweekiso (date) between 1 and 5 group by year (date), month (date); Not even sure the WHERE clause is necessary here. These functions are alternatives to using the DATE_PART (or EXTRACT) function with the equivalent date part (see Supported Date and Time Parts). like seq () or current_date (), this can only be done on write. If a non-integer decimal expression is input, the scale of the result is inherited. 1.